maria pestana art gallery online intends to provide a commercial launch of the art works of selected international artists. Our intention is to promote young artists and less well known artists who have been chosen for their technical skills, personality or creative imagination. Also among our compromises is to present the artist to international competitions and prizes.

We offer to collectors personal consultancy services to assist them in developing their collections according to their special interests or in exploring new branches of contemporary art to begin collecting. In addition we firmly believe in promoting the excitement, pleasure and fascination of collecting art to a new generation of collectors and thus we offer advice and guidance all aspects of how to start, build and develop an art collection.


Events - Eventos

Orly Aviv (Israel)

orly aviv ryderorly aviv 4

Lisa Borgiani & Massimo Nidini (Italy)

Lisa Borgiani & Massimo Nidini - AmsterdamLisa Borgiani & Massimo Nidini - Walking on the other side of the light

Javier Coppel (Spain)

javier coppel javier coppel

Mohamed El Masry (Egypt)

masry untitled6masry untitled 2

David Garcia (Spain)

david garcia 5david garcia 6

Ricardo García Vega (Ecuador)

ricardo garciavega cariquinde ricardo garciavega solsticio1

Israel González (Cuba)

israel gonzalez dinamica6 israel gonzalez danza peces

Ana Guilarte (Spain)

ana guilarte 12ana guilarte by airmail

David Harker (UK)

david harker anitadavid harker corinne

Manuela Holban (USA)

maribarbolamanuela holban voyage

Damian Ibarguren (Urugay)

damian - ibarguren -floridadamian-ibarguren -mandarinas

Iller Incerti (Italy)

Iller Incerti - Nuova FrontieraIller Incerti - Sono Nelle Tue Mani

Kofi Kayiga (USA)

Kofi Kayiga - African PriestessKofi Kayiga - Elders Meeting

Lei Liang (China)

lei liang - monarch lei - liang - samite

Chen Linggang (China)

chen linggang no8 chen linggang no5

Jesús Loma de la Vega (Spain)

Jesús Loma de la Vega - La guardiana del laberintoJesús Loma de la Vega - Reposo en el paraíso

Khalid Mahmood (Bangladesh)

khalid mahmood speed1khalid mahmood unfinished story

Paulino Manzanares (Spain)

Paulino Manzanares - Paiasaje Imaginario4Paulino Manzanares - Campos de colores

Gonzalo Ojeda (Spain)

Gonzalo Ojeda - CamboyaGonzalo Ojeda - Paris

Aloke Pumar Paul (India)

aloke beckoningaloke folk

Eusebio San Blanco (Spain)

Eusebio San Blanco - Al susurrarEusebio San Blanco - Penélope fiel esposa

Teresa Sarto (Spain)

Teresa Sarto - AlegoríaTeresa Sarto - Oropeles del Clarin

Marysol Sterlig (Spain)

Marysol Sterling - Persefone KoreMarysol Sterling - Luna menguante

Steve Tothill (UK)

Steve Tothill - StrollSteve Tothill - 7.37

Eugeni Vaysbek (Russia)

Eugeny Vaysbeck - Little ManEugeny Vaysbeck - Sad Joquer

Livia Zavagli (Italy)

papel de fumardos ninas en playa

Mitko Zhelezarov (Bulgaria)

mitko zhelezarov - keyholemitko zhelezarov - angels in the red

Wing Wong (China)

Wing Wong 47Wing Wong 53


Orly Aviv (Israel)

View her/his gallery here

Un_Space (2007), Digital Manipulated Image


If you require further information regarding the art works or prices, please contact us at:

Si desea información sobre obras o precios, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros: || International: Maria Pestana; National (Spain): Adela Escudero

Phones: 00 34 915217541 & 00 34 636437645

© Maria Pestana Art Gallery Online. Madrid, Spain. 2009.

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