maria pestana art gallery online intends to provide a commercial launch of the art works of selected international artists. Our intention is to promote young artists and less well known artists who have been chosen for their technical skills, personality or creative imagination. Also among our compromises is to present the artist to international competitions and prizes.

We offer to collectors personal consultancy services to assist them in developing their collections according to their special interests or in exploring new branches of contemporary art to begin collecting. In addition we firmly believe in promoting the excitement, pleasure and fascination of collecting art to a new generation of collectors and thus we offer advice and guidance all aspects of how to start, build and develop an art collection.

Chen Linggang (China)

chen linggang no 37 As Michel de Certeau stated writing possesses a symbolic function. Chen Linggang claims that writing and culture are part of his artistic creation as it is manifested in Heritage Series. In his paintings we can see small squares containing what it appears to be symbols from Chinese alphabet. The symbols are repeated beyond the canvas. Writing gives a notion of past through language and opens to the present a space of its own. Thus Chen Linggang builds up his own understanding of culture through the construction of a symbolic archive in which writing is the key to understand his own preoccupation on history and culture. This concern takes place through language and painting.


Chen Linggang (China) has been exhibited mainly in China and Switzerlang.


"In my work, I blurred the image of something specific, also is not. All (of them) have an element of uncertainty. This also gives me doubts, not sure of things themselves, or are we to judge the uncertainty of their do? The same is true for the history and culture, and heritage that we really understand its true meaning it? We see the butterfly, but is this "butterfly" is the "butterfly"  that it would like to show to our ? When I try to use a certain, specific image to show the world, I found it to be uncertain and ambiguous. I can’t use a number or a word or image to express my world, it gives me is a kind of uncertainty. My works looks  like no clear direction, but there is an intangible factor in guiding me to the feeling and thinking!" (2010, Chen Linggang)


Other works:

chen linggang no 37 chen linggang no 68 chen linggang no 65 chen linggang n 62 chen linggang n 67 chen linggang 61
Inheritage Series no. 37 (2009), Ink on Rice Paper, 120 x 80 cm.
Inheritage Series no. 68 (2009), Ink on Rice Paper, 120 x 80 cm.
Inheritage Series no. 65 (2009), Ink on Rice Paper, 120 x 80 cm.
Inheritage Series no. 62 (2009), Ink on Rice Paper, 120 x 80 cm.
Inheritage Series no. 67 (2009), Ink on Rice Paper, 120 x 80 cm.
Inheritage Series no. 61 (2009), Ink on Rice Paper, 120 x 80 cm.
chen linggang n 27 chen linggang 69 chen linggang n 66 chen linggang n 71 chen linggang n 70 chen linggang n 73
Inheritage Series no. 27 (2009), Ink on Rice Paper, 150 x 96 cm.
Inheritage Series no. 69 (2010), Ink on Rice Paper, 120 x 80 cm.
Inheritage Series no. 66 (2009), Ink on Rice Paper, 120 x 80 cm.
Inheritage Series no. 71 (2010), Ink on Rice Paper, 150 x 96 cm.
Inheritage Series no. 70 (2010), Ink on Rice Paper, 120 x 80 cm.
Inheritage Series no. 73 (2009), Ink on Rice Paper, 120 x 80 cm.

leng lingang


© Maria Pestana Art Gallery Online. Madrid, Spain. 2009.

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