maria pestana art gallery online intends to provide a commercial launch of the art works of selected international artists. Our intention is to promote young artists and less well known artists who have been chosen for their technical skills, personality or creative imagination. Also among our compromises is to present the artist to international competitions and prizes.

We offer to collectors personal consultancy services to assist them in developing their collections according to their special interests or in exploring new branches of contemporary art to begin collecting. In addition we firmly believe in promoting the excitement, pleasure and fascination of collecting art to a new generation of collectors and thus we offer advice and guidance all aspects of how to start, build and develop an art collection.

Javier Coppel (Spain)

Javier Coppel (Spain) shows in A Reflection on The Past his personal view of a very well known historic issue. How can you deal with the past? Coppel seems to find the answer in painting. Since there is a personal attachment to this period due to his family background. Most of his works have been inspired from photographies which appealed to the artist. The rest of the inspiration has come from family stories he has heard. Grey, barely black and red compose most of the works in which the drama is the main subject.

Javier Coppel (Spain) has been working through years in this works.

"Quizá por mi origen alemán, por haber vivido lo que supuso para la generación de mis padres todo el horror de una guerra (…) sentía la necesidad de expresar y de lanzar fuera esos fantasmas de horror y destrucción. (...)Los colores que he utilizado son los matices tenebristas del negro, que implican el dolor y el terror, rotos por los rojos y los anaranjados, de la sangre y el fuego. Mis pinceladas son largas, a veces envolventes, dadas con energía, y dejando en el lienzo, con frecuencia, una sensación de inacabado, deliberadamente buscada como efecto complementario a la temática de la propia guerra y las vidas que ésta impide ver desarrolladas en su plenitud.". (2010, Javier Coppel)


Other works:

javier coppel javier coppel javier coppel javier coppel javier coppel javier coppel
Noche de fiesta (2009), Oil on Canvas, 80 x 100 cm.
Personajes (2009), Oil on Canvas, 81 x 100 cm.
El inacabado (2009), Oil on Canvas, 81 x 100 cm.
Berlin 1945 (2009), Oil on Canvas, 70 x 50 cm.
La rendición del Gheto de Varsovia (2009), Oil on Canvas, 80 x 100 cm.
La estepa rusa (2009), Oil on Canvas, 50 x 70 cm.
javier coppel javier coppel javier coppel javier coppel javier coppel javier coppel
Principios de siglo (2009), Oil on Canvas, 70 x 50 cm.
Rojo y negro (2010), Oil on Canvas, 54 x 73 cm.
Los jerarcas (2010), Oil on Canvas, 60 x 73cm.
Hitler's Meeting (2009), Oil on canvas, 40 x 40 cm.
Adolf Hitler (2009), Oil on Canvas, 40 x 40 cm.
Ludendorf y Hitler (2010), 41 x 35 cm.

javier coppel


© Maria Pestana Art Gallery Online. Madrid, Spain. 2009.

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